How to develop the initial auditory memory ability of deaf children?

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  • Source:Walmart Hearing Aids
Taking listening as the leading role and taking children as the main body to cultivate deaf children's interest in listening. In order for deaf children to understand sounds, we must first ensure that the children can hear the sounds and hear the sounds clearly. Although a deaf child who wears a suitable compensating hearing aid can Can hear sounds clearly, but the meaning of the sounds needs to be understood through learning. For example, a child can hear the sound of a puppy "woof, woof, woof", but does not know that it is the sound of a puppy, let alone understand the meaning of a puppy. What does the name mean? Therefore, for deaf children who have just worn hearing aids, they are exposed to the world of sound for the first time and are curious about all sounds. We must seize this critical period and provide good and moderate rich stimulation to promote the development of the children's auditory organs. Functions are optimally developed.

How to cultivate the initial auditory memory ability of deaf children?

The cultivation and improvement of auditory memory ability is conducive to the establishment of auditory concepts in deaf children. Prepare a toy drum or similar sound-producing object, a toy kitten, and several small fish. Place the toy cat in front of your child, make a sound behind him, and ask him to place the small fish in front of the toy cat's feet for the number of times he hears the sound. If you hear one sound, put 1, and if you hear two sounds, put 2. Use two or more sounds, such as drums and car bells, and ask the children to respond according to the number of times they hear no matter which sound they hear. For example, first hear the drum sound once, then hear the bell twice, and feed the kitten 3 fish.

Auditory memory training for deaf children
1. Touch
Purpose: To indirectly feel the existence of sound through the touch of hands. Preparation: One drum (or a set of audio and video) Method: Parents play the drum and ask the deaf children to touch the drum surface with both hands. Let the deaf children experience the sound produced by beating the drum surface and feel the changes in different rhythms. They can also jump or clap in response to the sound of the drum. Tips: This game is a game that allows deaf children to experience sounds through touch. During the game, deaf children can be taught to use language to express "sound" and "no sound".

2. The beans jumped
Purpose: Let deaf children feel the existence of sound through the help of vision. Preparation: several beans, a small aluminum basin with a cloth stretched over the surface, and a small wooden stick. Method: Put the beans on the basin, and the deaf child is doing it next to it.Use a small wooden stick to tap the edge of the pot to make the beans jump on the surface of the pot, and feel the sound at the same time. Tips: This game is for deaf children to understand the existence of sound by looking at it. It also allows deaf children to tap on the edge of the basin to feel the existence of sound. During games, parents should adopt a positive attitude, fully mobilize the deaf child's vision, compensate for hearing, and provide a large amount of language stimulation. For example: The beans are jumping...

3. Listening to pick up objects
Purpose: To train deaf children to learn to judge the "presence" and "absence" of sounds. Preparation: A drum and several small toys of various kinds (such as kittens, balls, dolls, small bells). Method: Place the small toys in front of the deaf children. The parents beat the drum. After the deaf children hear the sound of the drum, they immediately jump from the ground. Pick up the toy and raise it above your head; when the drumming stops, put the toy back to its original place; when there is no drumming, the deaf child does not move. Repeat the game Tip: This game is suitable for deaf children who have just put on hearing aids and started language training. During play, deaf children should face away from the source of the sound. In family training, drums can be replaced by other objects, such as washbasins, bowls, wooden sticks and other sound-producing objects

4. Listen to music and shoot balls
Purpose: To train deaf children to learn to judge sounds Yes or no, exercise the coordination ability of the body. Preparation: a tape recorder, a tape, and a rubber ball. Method: The deaf child holds the ball in his hand and stands one meter away from the tape recorder. The parent signaled to turn on the tape recorder. When the deaf child heard the music, he started to shoot the ball. The music stopped and the deaf child stood still holding the ball. The music starts again, the deaf child continues to shoot the ball, the music stops, the deaf child stands still holding the ball, this game can be played repeatedly. Tip: In games, parents should pay attention to cultivating deaf children's listening habits and coordination ability of listening and moving. Deaf children who cannot shoot a ball must first learn how to shoot a ball before playing this game. Music tapes should be tapes with a strong sense of rhythm that are suitable for children to enjoy.

5. Musical chairs
Purpose: To train deaf children to distinguish between fast and slow sound rhythms. Preparation: a drum and several chairs. Method: Arrange chairs in a circle and the deaf child stands outside the circle of chairs. When the game starts, the parents beat the drum, and the deaf children run fast when they hear the fast-paced drum beat; when they hear the slow-paced drum beat, they walk slowly with the rhythm; when the drum stops, the deaf children immediately grab a chair and sit down. Tip: After each game, take away a chair until there is only one chair left.

6. Search for sounds and objects

Purpose: To cultivate deaf children’s understanding of loud and small sounds. Prepare: a small toy. method:The deaf children sit in a circle, and one deaf child is waiting outside as the finder. The parents hide the small toys in a place indoors and let the deaf children in the room know. The game starts, the finder comes in, and all the deaf children clap their hands rhythmically. When the person looking for an object is close to the hiding place, the clapping sound is loud; when it is far away, the clapping sound is quiet; when he reaches the hiding place, the clapping sound suddenly stops. Deaf children make judgments based on the loudness or softness of clapping sounds. Tip: During play, other deaf children should not hint where the Hidden Object Man toy is. At the beginning of the game, the object seeker can use visual aids to find small toys, and gradually transition to using only hearing to find. In the game, you can combine language. For example: when the person searching for an object walks near the hiding place, the deaf child claps his hands and says rhythmically: Quick, quick...; when he is far away from the hiding place, the deaf child claps his hands and says: Go far away Gone, gone far...

7. Leaves fluttering
Purpose: To cultivate the ability of deaf children to judge loud and quiet sounds, and develop a good habit of listening . Preparation: several leaf headdresses, a tape recorder, and a tape recording the sound of wind. Method: The deaf child acts as a leaf, standing in the middle of the room, and the tape recorder is placed 1.5--2 meters away from the deaf child. When the game starts, the parents turn on the recorder. When they hear the strong wind, the leaves will rotate greatly with the sound of the wind. When the wind becomes quieter, the leaves flutter slowly. The wind stopped and the leaves stood still. The game starts again. When recording, the loudness and softness of the wind sound should be interspersed.

8. Giants and Dwarves
Purpose: To cultivate deaf children’s ability to distinguish high and low sounds. Prepare: Several small toys of various kinds. Method: The prepared small toys are placed on the small desk, and the deaf child stands in the middle of the room. At the beginning of the game, the parent makes a high or low sound, and the deaf child takes a toy and puts it on a high place or on the ground. For example: when the high-pitched "a" is pronounced, the deaf child picks up a toy, stands on tiptoes to imitate the walking of a giant, and puts the toy on a high table. When the low-pitched "a" is pronounced, the deaf child picks up another toy and squats down. Try to imitate the dwarf's walk by placing the toys on a small chair or on the ground. The game is played over and over again. If deaf children cannot correctly judge the pitch and pitch of sounds, they should be allowed to listen to them repeatedly and make more comparisons. The high A and the low A should differ by one octave.

9. Where is the tape recorder
Purpose: To cultivate deaf children’s ability to judge sound sources and their balance ability. Preparation: a tape recorder, a tape with various sounds recorded, and a handkerchief. Method: Find a deaf child to be the "voice" person and cover his eyes with a handkerchief. Parents put the recorder onPlay a variety of interesting sounds in any place and let the sound finder find the recorder. If the sound recorder is found within half a minute, parents should be encouraged to repeat the game. Tip: When playing this game, please pay attention to safety. The range of activities chosen for the game should not be too large.

10. What musical instruments are playing
Purpose: To cultivate deaf children’s ability to distinguish the sounds of different musical instruments and to listen. Prepare: triangle, bell, stick, drum, trumpet, bell, etc. Method: Take out the prepared musical instruments, let the deaf children listen to the sounds produced by the various instruments, and then place them out of sight of the deaf children (with your back to the deaf children and 1 meter away from the deaf children). Parents play any musical instrument for about four beats and ask the deaf child to name or point out which instrument makes the sound. After the deaf child is familiar with the sounds of the above instruments, the requirements can be increased. 1. Use two musical instruments (the first four beats and the last four beats are played by different instruments), and ask the deaf children to distinguish them. 2. Two musical instruments can be used to play in unison. Deaf children please tell the difference. Tip: Parents should arrange training content based on the deaf child's hearing and mastery of various musical instruments. Tip: If you do not have the above items during home training, you can find other sound-producing items instead. If the deaf child has certain speech ability, he or she can be asked to name the sound-making object. This game can be played in two parts: 1. The deaf child faces the sound-making object. 2. Deaf children turn their backs to sound-emitting objects.

There are four aspects of auditory training:
1. Auditory attention
Auditory attention is also attention. Sound, children can perceive the existence of sound, cultivate children's good ear-using habits, play a key role in the formation of children's "auditory concept" in the future (that is, understand), and also provide long-term language training for children in the future. A necessary condition, it is the first step for children to enter the world of sound. Auditory attention is the most basic level of hearing. At this stage, various sound stimulations should be used, with the help of visual, tactile and other auxiliary means, to make children aware of the existence of sounds and cultivate their interest in listening.

2. Auditory recognition
After children can respond sensitively to sounds, further auditory recognition training can then be carried out. It requires children not only to feel the existence of sounds, but also to identify various sounds around them, including the loudness, pitch, and direction of sounds. Enable children to distinguish whether sounds are the same, that is, "the same" and "different", and to identify and imitate the sounds they hear. Let children realize that not only sounds exist in nature, but there are many kinds of sounds. At this stage, deaf children should be helped to accumulate distinctions betweenExperience the basic properties of sound and develop preliminary auditory classification abilities, enabling them to identify auditory stimuli with vocal objects.

3. Memorizing sounds
Memorizing sounds and identifying sounds are closely related. To correctly distinguish between two sounds before and after, you must memorize and store the characteristics of the previous sound in the brain and then compare them in order to do it correctly. The more sound "patterns" children remember, the easier it is for them to distinguish each other. Therefore, training must be repeated continuously to deepen the memory traces in the brain. Only when the auditory stimulation deepens to a certain depth, can the brain form a long-term memory and remember it for life. .

4. Understanding sounds

Understanding sounds is the ultimate goal of auditory training. The so-called understanding of sounds is what we often call the formation of auditory concepts, that is, deaf children can understand the meaning of language through hearing, which is a higher hearing level. Only by understanding the sound can the image of the sound be presented in the brain. Only by understanding the language can you understand the semantics and answer questions accurately. Training deaf children to form auditory concepts is based on the first three stages of auditory training. If the continuous progress of the first three auditory trainings is called "quantitative change", then the formation of "auditory concepts" and the ability to understand sounds are the key to deaf children. The "qualitative change" stage of auditory rehabilitation. At this stage, deaf children should develop their ability to perceive continuous language and understand speech information in context.