What are the listening skills for people with hearing loss?

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  • Source:Walmart Hearing Aids
In rehabilitation training for people with hearing loss, patients are often trained to use different listening skills. The purpose is to improve the listening conditions by changing the listening environment, so that the patient can hear more speech signals, and at the same time improve the patient's ability to use auditory, visual and contextual cues. ability.

What are the listening skills for patients with hearing loss?

Listening skills can be divided into three categories: observation, adjusting communication methods and adjusting logistics environment. In many cases, multiple methods can be used simultaneously. Here are a few that are convenient to use in daily life.

* Look at the speaker—lips, facial expressions, and body movements.
Nearly everyone with hearing loss does a lot of lip reading. Therefore, when talking to the other person, please use eye contact to ensure that you can clearly see the other person's expression and mouth shape. The type of information obtained by lip reading is particularly useful for hearing aid wearers. The obvious visual information is the position of articulation or contraction when consonants are pronounced (such as lips, lip and tooth changes, tongue-tooth relationship, etc.), various facial expressions such as smiles, frowns, Surprise, etc. can also convey the speaker's real communication content, which will help the hearing aid wearer understand the real communication content, make up for speech omissions or avoid ignoring certain information. At the same time, body movements will also strengthen the content of communication, and these movements often contain rich emotions and information.

* Find the topic.

Understanding conversational hearing aids can help hearing-impaired patients correctly guess missing or only partially heard speech information.

* Ask the other party to explain clearly.

When the other party has difficulty speaking clearly, you can put forward your own requirements (including speed and sound volume).

* Give feedback frequently.
Especially for one-on-one conversations, you can use smiles, nods, doubts, frowns and other expressions to give feedback to the other party. The other party will adjust and adapt by changing the speed, size and even repetition of his speech.

* Ask the other person to remind you.

* Ask specific questions.

To show what you heard clearly and what you didn’t hear clearly, and let the other party repeat it in a targeted manner.

* Seek truth from facts and face the problems caused by hearing loss patiently and calmly.
If you can't hear what people are saying, tell them that you have a listening problem. It's not your fault or the fault of those you're talking to.

* Make guesses and seek confirmation.
When you are unsure about the information you have guessed, the best way is not to bite the bullet and say it, but to check what you understand with the other party to reduce misunderstandings in the communication between the two parties.

* When communicating with others, pay attention to avoid interference from surrounding noise
Such as: music, the hum of air conditioners or refrigerators, etc. It is recommended that you stay away from these noise sources to make communication smoother.

* Get closer to the speaker.
The closer the distance, the less interference the environmental noise will have on speech sounds, which can help hearing-impaired patients achieve better speech intelligibility.

* Communicate with the main communication target.

When in a multi-person conversation environment, the most important target should be selected to avoid distracting attention and spending too much energy on identifying speech signals, which will affect speech intelligibility.

Tips for family members, relatives and friends
* The speaker should face the light and do not let the light shine directly into the eyes of the person with hearing loss.
* Have face-to-face conversations with patients.
* Do not cover your face when talking so that the patient can notice the facial expressions and movements while speaking.
  * The speaker and patient should be at the same level when talking. When the patient is standing, the speaker is standing. When the patient is sitting, the speaker should also be sitting.
* Please remind the patient to pay attention to the context during the conversation.
* The speech speed can be slightly slower, but not too slow; the speech should be clear, but avoid shouting.
* The speaker and the listener should be in the same room as much as possible.
* Inform the conversation content in advance and communicate around the topic.
* Make sure the patient understands the conversation.
* Be encouraging when talking to patients to make them relax, which will make the conversation easier.

Choose the correct hearing aid. Hearing aid selection is an important part of hearing rehabilitation. The degree of deafness varies from patient to patient. Wearing hearing aids is a means to help patients effectively utilize their residual hearing. Therefore, patients must go to a professional institution for correct selection, so that the hearing aid can play its maximum role.