How should deaf people communicate with them?

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  • Source:Walmart Hearing Aids
Many elderly people will suffer from varying degrees of hearing loss or even deafness due to age, physical decline or disease. Many deaf elderly people have not completely lost their hearing. Therefore, they can still hear what others say to some extent. It is also difficult to communicate with them. You must also pay attention to the method. Otherwise, not only will the elderly not understand or misunderstand the content of the conversation, but it may also lead to serious injuries. The old man's relatives and friends criticized him.

How should deaf people communicate with them?

1. Be familiar with sign language and the inner world of deaf-mute people.

2. Try to have the conversation in an environment with sufficient lighting and low background noise

3. As long as you understand it with your heart, you will be able to understand what he means. The expression of deaf-mute people is limited, but deaf-mute people are very emotional. As long as we understand and feel with our hearts, we will definitely have a tacit understanding.

4. Be fully prepared before talking and must attract the attention of the hearing-impaired.
5. Pat his (her) shoulder. When he (she) looks at you, you can communicate with him (her) with gentle and sincere eyes and sign language. In the process of communication, be sure to encourage him (her) more, so that he (she) feels that there is nothing terrible about communicating with strangers, and only through communication can you have friends, and only with friends can your life be fulfilled. Only then will you live happily.

6. Be sure to pay attention to some words with homophones, near-phonemes, etc., because deaf elderly people cannot hear clearly and have hearing impairment, and many elderly people do not want to trouble others by repeating them and causing trouble to others. For many vague words, he will rely on his own associations to imagine what you want to express. For example, if you say, let's go in the middle, maybe when he hears the word "center", he will think that the end is coming. This kind of communication barrier will be more troublesome, so when you say some near-syllable words and other sentences, you must emphasize it repeatedly so that the elderly can be sure that they have heard or understood clearly.

7. Usually pay more attention to small concerns, let him feel your love, and slowly let him adapt to the fact that there is someone around him who cares about him, and finally pay more attention to him. Lots of action. In this way, he can open his heart to accept the care and love from others and become happy.

 8. It is best not to pretend to understand when you don’t understand. If you have any questions, you should tell the other party in time

9. Don’t have a discriminatory or disgusting attitude, but use a peaceful and positive attitude and behavior Communicate with them and build mutual trust.

When we treat hearing-impaired people, we must not only take care of them physically and externally, but also spiritually, psychologically, and emotionally. We must take good care of them in all aspects, and don't let them feel that no one is taking care of them and that they are isolated from the world. They also need the comfort of their family members.