What is the best hearing value? How to protect hearing?

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  • Source:Walmart Hearing Aids
Nowadays, everyone pays attention to their vision and speaking ability, but few people pay attention to hearing. In fact, hearing is also a very important component of brain development. As the saying goes, the eyes are the windows to the soul. If the eyesight is not good, it means that the window is going to be closed. However, people often overlook the protection of hearing. In fact, hearing is just as important to human health.

What is the best hearing value? How to protect hearing?

25 points of decibels are considered to be normal hearing, and 25-40 decibels are considered mild hearing impairment. In China, 70-80 decibels are not considered hearing impairment, and hearing decline will lead to obstacles to interact. Therefore, ear problems should not be ignored. If abnormalities occur, it is recommended to further check the ear condition. You can perform a lower ear endoscopy to clarify the specific cause and treat it as soon as possible to avoid hearing loss again.

Human ears cannot hear all sounds in the universe. They have a certain range, with an average of 20-20,000 Hz. People's hearing is mainly used to listen to language, and the frequency of language is not wide. Its main range is 500-3000 Hz.

Therefore, scientists call the three representative frequencies of 500 Hz, 1000 Hz, and 2000 Hz speech frequencies. The calculation of hearing is to add the decibels obtained from these three audio tests and divide them by 3. The average obtained is the hearing level of the human ear.

How should we protect hearing in daily life?

1. Control the volume:
In life, a safe volume level is below 85 decibels and should last no more than 8 hours. Control the volume within this range and protect your ears and hearing. When listening to music with headphones, the volume must be lower than 60% of the maximum volume.

2. Time to control audio equipment:
When listening to music with headphones or speakers, although you are listening to it in a low-volume environment, it will not have much impact on your ears, but for a long time In this case, hearing may also be affected. Don't listen to music for more than sixty minutes without interruption. Especially in noisy environments, it is best not to use headphoneslisten to music. Also, headphones are a better choice than earbuds. Therefore, it is necessary to control the use time to reduce exposure to noise.

3. Stay optimistic

When a person is emotionally excited, adrenaline secretion increases, causing spasm of the small arteries in the inner ear, slowing the blood flow in the small blood vessels, and causing blood flow disorders. Insufficient oxygen supply to the inner ear may lead to sudden deafness. In addition, people today have high job competition and high pressure, so they need to exercise appropriately to keep their mood happy.

4. Pay attention to letting the hearing organs rest:
When going to KTV, bars and other noisy places, do not stay in such a hearing environment for a long time. Leave from time to time to give your hearing organs a short rest, which will help reduce damage caused by prolonged exposure to noise.

5. Eat properly, exercise, and maintain your mentality

We can eat more foods rich in vitamin B1, vitamin B2, vitamin B6, and vitamin C to protect hearing cells. food.

6. Use drugs with caution
Use with caution or prohibit drugs that damage the auditory nerve! Before handling solvents, toxins, or taking medications, carefully understand the risks.

7. Pay attention to the signs of hearing loss:
If tinnitus occurs and hearing difficulty occurs, you should seek medical treatment in time to avoid irreparable hearing treatment for too long.

8. Hearing also requires health check-ups
Many people will have regular health check-ups, but they often forget hearing items. Living in an era full of irritating sounds, regular hearing check-ups are absolutely necessary. Especially those working in high-noise environments should have regular hearing screenings to ensure hearing health.