The elderly have soft ears and cannot wear hearing aids. What should I do?

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  • Views:54
  • Source:Walmart Hearing Aids
For the elderly whose fingers are not very flexible, hearing aids generally recommend behind-the-ear hearing aids. Because behind-the-ear hearing aids are relatively large and the buttons and knobs are easy to operate, they are the first choice for the elderly.

The elderly have soft ears and cannot wear hearing aids. What should I do?

If the size of the elderly ear canal allows, the skin of the ear canal is not loose, there is no pus or drainage in the ear, and there is no inflammation, In addition, the old man's finger dexterity is still good, but he cannot wear a behind-the-ear hearing aid. You can consider choosing an in-the-ear hearing aid for the old man. If the elderly person has chosen a behind-the-ear hearing aid, but the hearing aid cannot be worn because the ears are relatively soft, it is recommended that you take the elderly person to the fitting and wear an eardrum for the elderly person to increase stability.

As long as the ear canal is normal, there is no pus or drainage, no otitis media, the hands can move flexibly, and the behind-the-ear style cannot be worn, you can consider wearing a customized hearing aid.

If your hearing and ear canal conditions permit, you can choose a customized hearing aid. For behind-the-ear hearing aids, it is recommended to wear ear molds to increase the stability of the hearing aid.

Hearing aid is an electronic device. Its function is to amplify the speech sounds that we need to listen to in our daily life, and weaken some noise and sounds that do not need to be listened to. But it is an auxiliary device after all, and it cannot be compared with our normal human ears. Therefore, before fitting hearing aids, we need to help the elderly establish a reasonable expectation and inform them that although hearing aids can help us hear better to a certain extent, they are not a panacea. If there is a gap, give up wearing it. If you keep wearing the hearing aid, you will find that it will get better and better.

To choose a suitable hearing aid, you must go to a professional hearing aid fitting institution for professional fitting. You should not just go to a store or drugstore to buy one and wear it. We often find that some elderly people have bought several hearing aids at home and put them in drawers, but none of them can be used. After using it, the noise is too loud or the hearing is unclear; it wastes money and makes the elderly fearful of hearing aids, further causing hearing loss!